Sunday, January 26, 2020

LGBT Policy in the US

LGBT Policy in the US Frida Montoya Advocating Gay and Lesbian Rights As the diverse societies within America alter over time so do the laws of the country, either supporting or declining the growth of such changes. A relevant turn within society can be found in the growing support towards gay and lesbian rights, citizens argue that the advance of equal right in the LGTB community is something that should be pushed for but, to what extent will they go to gain the support of the government? The government can be said to have mixed feeling about the LGBT community having the Democratic Party pushing forward with it and the Republican Party arguing that the concept of the LGBT community is immoral and an alienation of human nature. The simple fact that the movement is active signifies as a sign of just how far America has come to exercise the true meaning of equal rights amongst its citizens, looking past race, sexual orientation, disabilities and many other factors. Despites the many supporters hate groups have begun forming in attempt to halt the inevitable change of equal rights for all. †¦Republican Party’s position that marriage should be limited to a man and a woman†¦ We would condemn anyone who vilifies the LGBT community with demonizing rhetoric and falsehoods. And that’s exactly what Perkins and Lane routinely do. Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, has repeatedly portrayed LGBT people as perverted. He’s called the â€Å"It Gets Better† campaign – designed to give LGBT students hope for a better tomorrow – â€Å"disgusting† and a â€Å"concerted effort† to â€Å"recruit† children into the gay â€Å"lifestyle.† Lane is head of the American Renewal Project, funded by the virulently anti-LGBT American Family Association (AFA). The AFA’s chief spokesman, Bryan Fischer, has said that â€Å"[h]omosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.† (Cohen, Richard). As the excerpt states there’s a clear disapproval of the LGTB community, for personal or political reasons. The push for Equality is more than simply the mere acceptance of the group its self, their rights have to be equally protected under the law which is where the situation can get tricky. Even the politicians are utilizing certain content to benefit their overall voting ranks by making the LGTB community look bad. Like in the case of Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere. â€Å"The married couple can’t stand the thought of LGBT youth seeing a mailer that uses their cherished engagement photo to attack a politician for supporting same-sex civil unions. The photo, which shows the couple kissing, was misappropriated by an anti-LGBT hate group for use in the mailer attacking Colorado state Sen. Jean White. Bold words on a red background were added to the picture: â€Å"State Senator Jean White’s idea of ‘Family Values?†(SPLC Sues Anti-gay Hate Group over Defilement of Couple’s Engagement Photo). The laws pertaining Lesbians, gays, transgender and bi individuals are not equally represented if even given through all the states making it difficult for citizens who fall within the LGBT category to have their rights fully protected. For instance, a current case where the acknowledgment of a marriage was purposely overseen in a death certificate in Alabama because the couple, Paul Hard and David Fancher, was gay.â€Å"The SPLC announced a federal lawsuit today challenging these laws. The lawsuit, filed on Hard’s behalf in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, seeks to overturn the state’s Marriage Protection Act, a 1998 law that bans the recognition of same-sex marriages from other states, and the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment, which enshrined this ban in the constitution in 2005†( SPLC Challenges Alabama’s Unconstitutional Marriage Protection Act and Sanctity of Marriage Amendment). Certain groups that are against same sex marria ge argue that marriage should only be for those that fall within the guidelines of religious beliefs, meaning not gay people but marriage recognition can imply much more. In the case of Tracey Cooper-Harris who happened to be a disabled U.S. Army veteran, and her wife, Maggie their marriage kept them from being able to get the benefits that other veterans and their wife’s were provided with. The court declared the Title 38 sections unconstitutional, finding there is no military purpose that could justify discriminating against veterans with same-sex spouses. It also found that Title 38 is not rationally related to the military’s commitment to caring for veteran families. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down DOMA in a separate case earlier this year. Because of the court’s ruling on Title 38, Tracey and Maggie are now eligible for a number of benefits, including additional disability compensation and the right to be buried together in a state or national veterans cemetery. These benefits, and many others, are routinely provided to heterosexual married veterans and their spouses. (SPLC Lawsuit Ends with Landmark Ruling That Is First to Decide Same-sex Spouses Rights to Benefits). The recognition of equal marriage in every aspect is something that the LGTB community is striding for, it is not just a legal document it is a right that comes along with many other aspects that are still yet to be approved by the government. However not all issues originate because the state itself denies a LGTB individual their rights but from discrimination that more than likely exceeds to an abusive level. Discrimination tends to be very common in the life of a LGTB individual. If for instance done in a school should be overseen by an adult of faculty member who would naturally step in and put a stop to it but in the case of some this is not the situation and the discrimination rises from other students to adults. SPLC filed a federal civil rights lawsuit that seeks to enforce Destin’s civil rights and force the district to address the mistreatment of Destin and other lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender students. The suit, filed in December, asserts the district has violated Destin’s rights under the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.â€Å"District officials who are entrusted with the safety and education of all students not only ignored, dismissed and even blamed victims for the abusive behavior of faculty and other students, they also participated in discriminatory acts,† said Anjali Nair, SPLC staff attorney. â€Å"Destin has been humiliated and tortured. Our suit seeks justice for her and other students who were mistreated, as well as reforms that will prevent this from happening again.†(SPLC Files Suit to Stop Anti-LGBT Harassment by Students and Faculty in Mississippi’s Moss Point Scho ol District). The non-supportive part of the community has and will continue to alienate individuals that take part in the LGTB group even if it is simply to support the cause. Despite this, young supporters are uprising all through the United States figuring out ways to improve certain issues that tend to attack the LGTB groups in schools. One of these is bullying an issue that was addresses by Hannah Bradley and her classmates. â€Å"†¦the students wore name tags stating their orientation. But Bradley and other students were censored by school officials who forced them to remove their tags. The SPLC today demanded in a letter to Jefferson County High School in Dandridge, Tenn., that school officials stop this censorship and warned they face a possible federal lawsuit on Bradley’s behalf†( Citing Free Speech Rights, SPLC Demands Tennessee High School Stop Censoring Students). Alienation can only go so far but it has gotten to the point where a thing such as Conversion Therapy w as created. Conversion Therapy is basically a â€Å"treatment† that is guaranteed to convert any individual that fall within the LGTB category. It is then with situations such as these that the government can and will step in. â€Å"A ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upholds California’s ban on conversion therapy for minors, a discredited practice that claims to â€Å"cure† people of being gay, is another sign of the collapse of the conversion therapy industry, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center†¦ Science proves that it doesn’t work. It harms kids, and it tears families apart† (Appeals Court Ruling in California Is Another Sign of Conversion Therapy Industrys Collapse). The fact that the government its self recognizes that some of these actions are inhumane, not just to a certain minority, but to the United States as a whole can say a lot about the direction in which we are headed to. LGTB rights will no longer be overlooked for the issues of its upbringing have already been addressed by the government several times indirectly encouraging the community to continue to advocate for those right and also giving certain individuals the confidence they need to state their case to the judicial branch pertaining their rights. As more and more people push for this cause the LGTB community will gradually continue to gain more rights for it will be brought to the attention of the government. Today, by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA),the U.S. Senate took a historic step toward ending this outrage†¦ It simply prohibits employers from using a worker’s sexual orientation or gender identity as the basis for hiring, firing, promotion, or compensation. It means that LGBT people will be afforded the same workplace protections already in place regarding race, religion, gender, national origin and disability†¦But employers in 29 states can still lawfully discriminate because of sexual orientation, and in 33 states they can discriminate because of gender identity†¦Over the last few years, we’ve passed milestone after milestone on the road to equality for LGBT people – among them, the Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act. (Senate Passage of ENDA Is Important Step toward Dignity and Fairness for LGBT People). Overall, it is accurate to say that the LGTB community will continue to grow both in members and supporters making it nearly impossible for the government to devolve and go back to the way things had previously been. The need for equality will gradually be overseen from every point by the government until one day; hopefully we can all say that we do indeed have equal rights that are protected by the constitution of the United States of America. Work Cited Cohen, Richard. A Tent Too Large: The Republican Party and Anti-LGBT Bigotry. Southern Poverty Law Center. 8 Aug. 2014. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.>. SPLC Challenges Alabama’s Unconstitutional Marriage Protection Act and Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. Southern Poverty Law Center. 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.>. SPLC Files Suit to Stop Anti-LGBT Harassment by Students and Faculty in Mississippi’s Moss Point School District. Southern Poverty Law Center. 17 Dec. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.>. Appeals Court Ruling in California Is Another Sign of Conversion Therapy Industrys Collapse. Southern Poverty Law Center. 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.>. Senate Passage of ENDA Is Important Step toward Dignity and Fairness for LGBT People. Southern Poverty Law Center. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.>. SPLC Lawsuit Ends with Landmark Ruling That Is First to Decide Same-sex Spouses Rights to Benefits. Southern Poverty Law Center. 30 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.>. Citing Free Speech Rights, SPLC Demands Tennessee High School Stop Censoring Students. Southern Povery Law Center. 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.>. SPLC Sues Anti-gay Hate Group over Defilement of Couple’s Engagement Photo. Southern Poverty Law Center. 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.>.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Study of Corporate Failures

It is said that a company will only last if it practice good governance to its employees and customers providing them all of their needs and satisfying their expectations in terms of product quality and good management. This brings out a good working relationship between the management and employees that builds trust and loyalty among them which in the end will result in a favorable output contributing to the good name of the company. The reputation of a certain company has been always important for their marketing and growth.Thus in order to have a good impression to the customer and employees, the company’s management tend to bring out the best that they can bring to give a good impression to their customers and people. Since good governance gives a harmonious working relationship between the management, employees and customers, people may seem to like the company more and as the days goes by, they might learn to ask more than the company can provide. The company may become bigger, but expectations will always be present from suppliers, customers and employees.Because of a higher demand for quality management, the top management of a company may do some changes to their usual managing practice to cope up to the demand that their company is facing like higher product outputs, client concerns, supply procurement and more. Change is always permanent. For companies, certain decisions must be done to acquire a certain expected result for the benefit of all but there are also some decisions that were made by the company which they think is the best strategy for a certain issue but only resulted to conflicts and problem.This paper’s aim is to give an insight of what a bad corporate management or governance is and its effect to a company, its employees, and their customers and to other business as well. We examine the different reasons why a company fail and the different things that a management can do to avoid it. Included also in the paper are some e xperiences of different companies that had gotten through bad management strategies and how they cope up from it. Introduction Change Management is one tool to measure the performance of the overall productivity of a company.If a kind of management strategy being implemented is not good to handle a company’s requirement, it is very obvious that it will cause problems in the end. As stated a while ago, competition is very tight in the market and demands are very high. This however, takes the management in a decision to take one step forward for improvements. Changing a workflow, product standards or even the salaries of employees are very crucial. If not monitored well, this may result to conflict and quality issues. Decision making has been a big task for managers to make new guidelines that will be followed in order to achieve a certain goal.Yearly, numerous meetings and agreements are being made by both top management and employees that change the usual work flow of the com pany that sometimes gives discomfort to other workers because of they are used of the usual work that they do. Aside from decision making, changes in the market demands, economy, quality expectations, information technology, business structure and manpower can give great pressure to the business. As change is permanent, the risk of managing a business gets sensitive as time goes by resulting complicated scenarios and threat of failure.Management Management is controlling a group of people to achieve a certain goal. In business, the top management is concerned in doing the most important decisions that are to be followed by all employees of the company including its policies and strategies. Because of the different issues that the business encounters, strategic decisions are made to solve the different problems that the company has. Hoping that those decisions would give a positive result in the end, the management is also responsible for any negative result that their decisions may give.Decision making is never easy. It takes a lot of patience, teamwork and courage to come up with a set of strategies that the company will use. Certain decisions are made for one department only and some are for the whole company. Either way, they still give a big effect to the overall performance of the organization. Since that decision making is very crucial, there are still some companies that made their way in doing and implementing the best decision strategies that helped their company to be the best that it can.On the other hand, not all companies shares the benefits of a good decision implementation as there are some companies that also shares the effect of a bad decision implementation made by their top management. Approach Governance Governing is a process of implementing decisions, rules and regulations in a group of people. Its concept has been widely used by companies to make their workers comply a set of agreed actions that were done and ordered by the management. T he management’s ways of doing rules and policies has a big effect in a company’s performance as a whole.As decision making is vital to a company, the management should be equipped with the knowledge of how they are going to make their decisions every day. Study of Good and Bad Governance Good Governance Good governance will surely give benefits to the company, employees, customers and suppliers. Its implemented decisions had considered the characteristics of Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Orientation, Equity and Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency and Accountability that if complied well, it will bring good feedbacks and result to the company.Bad Governance Mismanagement has always been a problem in all companies which is a start of bad governance. Bad governance emerges when conflict rises among people who are involved in the company. It includes conflict of interest, political issues among members of the company, social pr oblems, discrimination, lack of participation and more. When employees or the people concerned to the company starts to ask questions about the decision of the company’s management, then there is an unclear part in that certain decisions being implemented that employees do not understand or agreed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

An Unbiased Perspective on Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye

An Unbiased Perspective on Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye New Questions About Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye In the body you are going to want to have three or more principal ideas, so jot down the points you will expand upon in your outline. It isn't important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. It is crucial that you don't incorporate any details which you haven't discussed within the body within the conclusion. Many students understand how to format the text but have no clue how to find inspiration. There's, naturally, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. In such a scenario, examples arrive in handy. Don't attempt to express tips that you think are expected from you. It is quite a terrible idea not to plan. Ess ay Topics for Catcher in the Rye Help! And throughout the book he's trying his own methods to obtain what he has that makes him belong within this world. Normally, it takes as much as two hours of time to comb through dozens of sites until you discover something exciting to write about. Humouris just utilised to demonstrate how dumb folks can truly be in the world. By building a plan, you make sure that you won't be stuck in the center of your creative procedure or forget what you wished to write about. It would be wrong to choose a complicated subject that will make it challenging to dwell upon however interesting it might sound. Go just for a topic that you may comfortably analyze. Try to remember you need to stick with the topic question to stop from diverting from the appropriate subject. Nevertheless, you may still find a topic that you're passionate about and hence cover easily. Don't forget there are textbooks and internet tools you may utilize to check whether you've put a comma in the appropriate place or used the proper article. Still, every one of them would show up in the overall list. According to Stradlater, very good writing is only a question of getting the commas in the correct places. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Master essay on where you could be reliable essay on the ideal essay. Frequently, this issue of an essay can be displayed in the shape of a question. Writing an essay on a certain novel can be challenging, especially if you don't understand how to choose a creative topic. 1 means to do so, is to provide writing prompts focused on various details of the novel. For the ap english language exam, the different kinds of analysis include the o analyze rhetorical devices employed by means of an author to attain her or his goal. Together with the topics, you'd come across loads of papers free of charge. With each Teaching Unit, you will get a guide which covers all the important features of a work of literature. What Everybody Dislikes About Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye and Why Sooner or later, the attentive reader sees the major hero's growth for a personality. He switches moods frequently. Pick three contradictory facets and perceptions. Whether we're intended to take this action among defiance or acceptance is, like the rest of the novel's ending, unclear. While he can reject a lot of the dominant culture, he's also clearly affected by it. Take into consideration the events that occurred in the novel. Discuss Holden's loneliness and depression concerning the way that it permeates the whole chapter. Getting the Best Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye Jerry Fletcher and Holden Caulfield share precisely the same sense for different folks. Salinger used Holden as a means of speaking his mind. Holden is also lonely because he's lost his connection to all his pals. He can't find a friendship due to his psychological problems. He never obtains any self-assurance throughout the duration of the novel. He is a very unique individual. Facts, Fiction and Essay Topics for Catcher in the Rye Nevertheless, the real situation doesn't leave much to look forward. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. It's debatable whether Holden's attitude has changed by the conclusion of the novel, on the 1 hand, he can have accepted that adolescence is simply a phase, but a lot of critiques of the novel imply he has not matured in any manner. As an example, Holden states, They're nice and all, in addition to I'm not likely to inform you my whole goddam autobiography or anything.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Social Networking And Its Impact On Society - 1350 Words

The users of social networking, increase the amount of social networking being used each and every day. From January 2008 to January 2014 â€Å"the use of online social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest went up from twenty six percent to seventy four percent† (â€Å"Social Networking†). Spending too much time on social networking, causes some of the people to become distracted from their school, work, and their everyday lives. Social networking is a distraction, and it puts one’s life in danger. Social networking has negatively impacted society. Social networking creates distractions for the users of their school, work, and their everyday lives. In 2012, â€Å"Sixty four percent of employees reported visiting non-work related websites, and of those sixty four percent, forty one percent visited Facebook, thirty seven percent visited LinkedIn, twenty eight percent visited Google+, and eight percent visited Twitter (Social Networking It starts to become a problem for some people in a workplace because some of the social networking users, become distracted. â€Å"Forty percent of children from the ages of eight to eighteen, spend at least fifty four minutes on social media websites a day† (Social Networking Most individuals use social networking almost every single day; to learn new things, to look something up that one is not sure about, to talk to friends or family, to figure out more creative ideas, or to tryShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Social Networking On Society950 Words   |  4 PagesAlmos t everybody is aware of some impact social networking sites have had on their life. Whether one comes from the generation before the advances in technology, the generation during the technological advances, or the generation born into the world full of technology, it is all the same; technology has impacted their life. The impact, however, may either be positive or negative. With the way today’s social networking sites (SNS) are working, there seems to be more negatives around than the positivesRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Impact On Society1327 Words   |  6 Pagesthe person his origin or religion. Culture had become the identity of our communities through our behaviors. It has many factors contribute to the formation of each individual’s cultural . Social networking between people contributed to the development of the individual culture and in the development of society. Own personal culture According to Zion and Kozleski â€Å" Given that culture is a combination of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavior patterns, and that for many, religion isRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Impact On Our Society1503 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Networking and Communication Social networking has destroyed and helped how our society communicates. Everybody is on their phones one way or another just wondering what’s going on. When you figure stuff out, the first place you’ll find it is on social media. Everything you find out would already be on social media basically is what I’m saying. I know I always look to my IPhone 6 to tell me what’s going on in the world. Instead of looking in my phone at the news app to see what’s happeningRead MoreThe Negative Impact of Social Media/Networking on Today’s Society2211 Words   |  9 Pagesto have lost â€Å"that thing† that made it extraordinary at first. I just think the longer it’s around, or the more advanced it gets, the more it has a negative influence on society and individuals. To me, social media has created a new form of bullying, stereotyping, and racism. Along with the overuse of the internet, giving social media more authority, where it is able to expand in form. And last but not least, the way people have taken something that started out constructive, and mutated it into somethingRead MoreDiscuss the Influence That Social Networking Plays in Society Today? How, and to What Extent, Has It Re-Defined Social Relationships and Is This Generationally Specific?1144 Words   |  5 PagesDiscuss the influence that Social Networking plays in society today? How, and to what extent, has it re-defined social relationships and is this generationally specific? Social Networking plays an important role in society today; it will be argued that social networking has redefined social relationships and that this effect is generationally specific (Salman,2009) Social Networking sites such as Facebook have had a profound effect on personal relationships. The twenty first century is an imprisonedRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Youth and Adults1646 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter allow individuals to connect with anyone from coworkers to former classmates. The accessibility of these connections allow for individuals to feel easily connected to a larger community, but they have downsides. From false senses of connection, to data pervasiveness ,social networking is something that effects all groups within our culture to the point where we will have to decide if it is benefical or harful to the indivudal. Impacts of SocialRead MoreSocial Networks988 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Networking Sites The Internet and technology are growing bigger and bigger every day and before we know it technology is going to pass us by. With the invention of the Internet and Social Networks, the possibilities are endless. Social networking sites provide us the opportunity to explore the whole world, make friends, and share moments with the rest of the world through the Internet. Everyday more and more people become part of the different social networking sites available now, likeRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking921 Words   |  4 PagesSocial media is the communication between individuals and groups to share and exchange their ideas through internet. The social networking is part of social media which plays the important role in today’s life. The biggest impact of the social networking is on children, youngs, and adults. Nowaday children are growing up surrounded by technology. They like to use technology such as mobile, tablets, and computers because they can connect easily to social network. We all know how important social networkingRead MoreSociological Perspectives On Social Networking Sites916 Words   |  4 Pages Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, How do these social websites impact society? Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by all three of the primary sociologicalRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Society Essay917 Words   |  4 PagesHave you thought about the impact that social media has on society? Today I would like to address the impact of social media on society for those of you that are social media users and this includes the advantages or disadvantages that as associated with it. In this speech, I want to relate to you how social media is being used by social media users. Social media has forever changed the way society works, whether it’s the sharing of an idea, the communication of news, or the availability of products